Monthly Archives: October 2016

checking out all the mini liquor bottles


When my mother was visiting us last March, the three of us (myself, Mom and The Husband) made a trip to Total Wine to spend a gift card that my mother had given The Husband as a belated Christmas present.

So while he went off to pick through all his favorite wines my mother and I browsed around and busied ourselves by checking out all the mini liquor bottles.

This was the same shopping trip where I picked up ingredients to make Mango Cointreau Sangria and also when we purchased our first bottle of Sambuca (which eventually lead to these Cherry Blossom Cocktails).

And, finally, there another purchase we couldn’t leave the store without: our first bottle of Absinthe.

Now, I had never even heard of Absinthe until that day – or, at least, had never known that all the “green fairy” references were about Absinthe. But apparently The Husband and one of our neighbors had talked about Absinthe recently and now he was determined to buy a bottle. I was a bit dubious at first, but he sold me on the whole “you pour Absinthe over a sugar cube” spiel. Because, sugar. I’m always game for sugar.

We’ve since tried the fabled Absinthe and, sadly, I was a tad disappointed. The Husband did a ton of research on the “proper” way to drink Absinthe and apparently you’re supposed to mix it with a decent amount of water. So we had our neighbor over, made our Absinthe + water + sugar drinks, and I proceeded to sip Absinthe while cooking some chili (which just happened to be this recipe).

I didn’t think the Absinthe was bad by any means, just that it taste…   well, watered down.

Wasn’t really my thing.