Monthly Archives: July 2014

This chili will change everything


Every fall, my house goes absolutely soup-crazy.  The second the slightest chill can be detected in the air, we break out the soup pot or the crock pot, load up on stock and our favorite veggies, and go to town.  Some weeks, there might be five different kinds of soup we throw together to warm our insides as we pile on blankets and hoodies and slippers and complain about how early the sun goes down this time of year.  Sometimes we enjoy mugs of chicken noodle.  Sometimes we fill up three bowls full of hearty stew each because it is just that good FSDU.  But what we love most of all– what I truly can’t get enough of– is a good chili.

Now I know you chili purists out there are clutching your chests and gasping at the thought of changing up your traditional chili, but hear me out– sometimes, change is good.  That’s not to say that I wouldn’t love your state fair winning family recipe, but this is an entirely different beast we’re talking about here.  This chili will change everything you ever thought you knew about chili, or at least it will broaden your opinion of what “good chili” can be.  With ingredients like sweet potato, chorizo, jalapeno, poblano, avocado, hominy, black bean, and goat cheese, how could it not be great?

Like most chili, this recipe (which was adapted from Tasty Kitchen) requires a little bit more time than your typical last minute soup, but it is oh so worth it Tour operators, and the leftovers taste just as amazing as the first day you make it.   Whether you want to make it for game day tailgates, on a chilly weeknight with family, or to serve up to friends at a casual dinner get-together, I’m willing to bet that everyone who tastes it will be begging for the recipe in between a chorus of “yum”s and “this is so good”s.  I’m not pulling your leg veuve clicquot, my mom even asked for the recipe (as if she doesn’t know where to find it) because she wants to insert it into her fall dinner rotation.

Also, let me just apologize now to my cousin, Ashley, who has been asking for this recipe for too long for me to pretend that it’s acceptable to just be going up now.  Forgive me.  I put it up today just for you.  And without further ado electric dc motor