


阿姨會在馬桶盒上做個記號,哪些孩子不吃,哪些孩子不吃牛.. 阿姨理解每個人。 但我們從來不明白阿姨是如何打掃衛生,整理衛生,耐心地滿足孩子們的願望的..













定位或指向性是教師價值的最突出特征。教師價值的指導特征可以表現為教師價值與行為動機的作用。這個函數借用了波普爾的分析,權力充當了行動的“引擎”,期望充當“目標”,而主導趨勢最終將成為“最終目標”。 。教師價值的形成最終取決於學生的需求和滿意度。學生的需求既是教師價值的動機和目的,也是教師價值的衡量標准。這表明學生需要成為構成教師價值的主題的深層內容。沒有學生的需要,沒有教師價值。這表明教師價值具有指導性或方向性。



大學幼保科 / 幼稚教育,使大學專注師範教育,於幼兒教育的範疇提供各項榮譽學士、高級文憑及在職教師專業進修課程,當中亦有學科針對支援非華語幼兒、有學習差異的幼兒或有特殊教育需要的兒童,為有志投身教育界的同學作好準備。










checking out all the mini liquor bottles


When my mother was visiting us last March, the three of us (myself, Mom and The Husband) made a trip to Total Wine to spend a gift card that my mother had given The Husband as a belated Christmas present.

So while he went off to pick through all his favorite wines my mother and I browsed around and busied ourselves by checking out all the mini liquor bottles.

This was the same shopping trip where I picked up ingredients to make Mango Cointreau Sangria and also when we purchased our first bottle of Sambuca (which eventually lead to these Cherry Blossom Cocktails).

And, finally, there another purchase we couldn’t leave the store without: our first bottle of Absinthe.

Now, I had never even heard of Absinthe until that day – or, at least, had never known that all the “green fairy” references were about Absinthe. But apparently The Husband and one of our neighbors had talked about Absinthe recently and now he was determined to buy a bottle. I was a bit dubious at first, but he sold me on the whole “you pour Absinthe over a sugar cube” spiel. Because, sugar. I’m always game for sugar.

We’ve since tried the fabled Absinthe and, sadly, I was a tad disappointed. The Husband did a ton of research on the “proper” way to drink Absinthe and apparently you’re supposed to mix it with a decent amount of water. So we had our neighbor over, made our Absinthe + water + sugar drinks, and I proceeded to sip Absinthe while cooking some chili (which just happened to be this recipe).

I didn’t think the Absinthe was bad by any means, just that it taste…   well, watered down.

Wasn’t really my thing.

my dessert plate recently

My dad never liked his cupcakes to be frosted. This was enough to make my little, childhood head explode. How could he not like mounds of sweet, buttery topping? But my mom respected his preference. Whenever she would make cupcakes, she always left a few unfrosted for him. There they would sit– lonely, topless, dry– but sure enough, my dad would eat them. He might have even enjoyed them.

I wonder how he would have felt about these beauties.

The black bottom cupcake, or as I like to call them– the unfrosted, but pretty darn delicious cupcakes– graced my dessert plate recently.

For those who aren’t familiar, the black bottom cupcake is an experiment in successful dualities. There is the moist, rich, chocolate cake– that gives these cakes their name, but then there is the smooth, gently sweet, cream cheese layer that is dolloped on the top. (I won’t say neatly, because from the picture above, you can tell that I am not always the neatest of bakers.) It’s like eating a cheesecake an a chocolate cake together in one bite. The two batters combine in the oven into one creamy and rich dessert.

There are a few baking morsels in the cream cheese batter too. As with many of my baking endeavors, this recipe came out of necessity. I had some cream cheese that needed to be used– but not enough for a cheesecake. And as I was perusing my baking shelf, I noticed lots of morsels– mini chocolate chips, bittersweet chunks, peanut butter chips– again, not enough to use on their own, but they would be combined into an “everything” baked good perfectly.

The morsels melted into the cake. The cream cheese filling puffed, and then sunk into the deep chocolate cakes. These cupcakes were just the right amount of decadent. Who knows, all those years ago, my dad might have been on to something.

the loaves for yourself


If you follow me on Twitter, maybe you have seen the #USofBread, over the past months. Maybe you thought, “Well, that bread looks delicious.” Or maybe you thought, “Doesn’t that girl eat anything else besides bread?” (Actually, that wouldn’t have been too far from the truth at times. There was A LOT of bread-eating going on at my house.) Well, the hashtag was more than just a symbol. Now you can pick up a copy of the book, and make the loaves for yourself apartments for rent in hk!

USofB2This isn’t your artisan bread cookbook. I don’t teach you how to make European baguettes or batards. United States of Bread recreates the bread-baking tradition of the US. And yes, there is an American tradition of baking bread! This is for the home baker who is interested in making sustaining breads like Minnesota Wild Rice Bread, Amish Dill Bread, and all sorts of sourdough. (There’s a starter recipe in the book.)

USofB1This book has a little bit of everything, from sandwich loaves, to sourdough, sweet breads, to quickbreads. I tried to develop a book for everyone– from the novice baker to the more experienced home cook, from the weekend baker to the cook that only has moments to throw together some cornbread– there’s a recipe to be found!

I only hope that you’ll find the recipes intriguing, and delicious– that they become a part of your baking repertoire. Long live carbs, and long live American bread hong kong sehenswürdigkeiten!

I was wowed by this amazing


I didn’t want to cause a ruckus by sharing pictures of such a spectacular cake without a recipe. But on the other hand, it’s quite a chore to make a Cassata alla Siciliana and although Fabrizia Lanza sailed through it without breaking a sweat, between using the right pan, mixing up your own almond paste, finding ricotta as good as the ricotta in Sicily, and getting the candied fruit (including the squash, which is the translucent white brick on the platter), it might be classified as one of those things that’s better left to the Sicilians.

(Nevertheless, if you want to give it a go, Saveur printed her Cassata recipe, and it’s also in her book, Coming Home to Sicily. I linked to additional recipes at the end of the post .)

According to Italian food specialist Clifford A. Wright, the word Cassata is derived from the Arabic word quas’at, or qas’at, which refers to a wide bowl. There is actually a special pan to make the cake; it’s a mold with sloped sides and a groove around the bottom so that when Cassata mold is lined with strips of almond paste, and overturned, there’s a rim to create a neat guard against the icing from running down the sides.

I found out what the pan was for when I was making some pine nut praline for an ice cream I was going to churn up for her, made by caramelizing 1 part sugar then stirring in 1 part lightly toasted pine nuts, which get spread on a flat, greased surface, and left to cool. In my haste to find a flat pan in an unfamiliar kitchen, I grabbed one Fabrizia’s nice Cassata pans, as I was eyeing its flat, wide surface, perfect for spreading the praline reenex HydraFacial.

I wasn’t able to find where, globally, you can get one online. But I did find some dynamite metal popsicle molds during my search.

Speaking of kitchen tools, I was wowed by this amazing, single-purpose Italian tool. When I asked Fabrizia where she got it, she replied, “In America.”

So somehow, people in the U.S. are able to roll the almond paste to fit snugly into the pan, but not actually find the right pan.

The first thing Fabrizia did was to make her own almond paste using finely ground almonds. Because I am a crunchy-granola California type, I asked if you could make the cake without the green food coloring.

Fabrizia laughed, but being Sicilian, she explained that Cassata is a cake for fun, festive occasions, and the vibrant green is part of the riot of colors that make the cake what it is meant to be. Although, perhaps bowing to overseas sensibilities, her mother, Anna Tasca Lanza said in one of her books that if you leave the green coloring out, you should pour the icing over the entire cake so that it hides the almond paste.

thinly sliced and served with crisp

I know I get on a bit of a soap box when I talk about Canadian cooking. The fact is it’s a cuisine so heavily influenced by all the cultures who come here, that it’s hard not to like it.

Yes, I know…many people would argue that there is no Canadian cuisine, save the usual: maple syrup, beer, poutine, smoked salmon and butter tarts. But I think a lot of Canadian cuisine is about how people come here and adapt their home cooking to what’s readily available…making a far-off place not so far away nuskin.

The other week I found some gorgeous Grey County, grass fed and barley finished flank steaks at my favourite butcher. I bought a piece, marinated it and grilled it. My word it was buttery-lovely .

This weekend I went back for more and came back with a bavette steak. Bavette, his assistant told me, is just behind the flank, and is much more tender, which means it needs less marinating time. When figuring out what to do with it, I thought of this year’s Canadiana series and realised I could probably pull together a great example of what I think of as new Canadian cuisine.

One of my favourite Vietnamese dishes is beef salad. A southeast Asian flavoured grilled steak, thinly sliced and served with crisp, cooling veggies.

My rendition marinated, grilled and thinly sliced that lovely bavette and served over equally lovely locally-in season veggies: crisp and spicy radishes, sweet carrots, sweet-tender lettuce and sliced spring onions and finely minced garlic scapes. The recipe I provide gives you more veggies than this, but add whatever you have on hand.

Is it “authentic” as only those food snobs who’ve scaled unheard of mountains and waded through far off streams to get real food as only prepared by a singular cook in a singular subset of a singular culture? Far from it. But does it evoke a far off place, made not so far by what my country market has to offer

Other features are coming

soon, such as an easy workflow to upload receipts and attach them to a particular expense — accountants are going to love this. Qonto will also make it easier to handle transfers in multiple currencies You beauty.

In the future, you’ll be able to connect your Qonto account with various fintech services you might also be using, such as Stripe, PayPal and GoCardless. This way, you’ll be able to monitor and manage payments on all sorts of platforms from a single, unified interface.

Behind the scene, Qonto partnered with Treezor for the back end. Treezor is the company that is actually managing your money. It generates current accounts and debit cards for Qonto. On the other side of the equation, Qonto tailors the experience and handles the relationship with its own customers Enterprise Firewall.

Other companies, such as iBanFirst in France, Seed in the U.S. and Tide in the U.K. are working on similar services with a few differences here and there — Tide just announced a $14 million funding round yesterday. While the market seems fragmented, those big funding rounds indicate that there seems to be a big opportunity to replace those expensive and ineffective business bank accounts.

Push Doctor, an app that lets you video call a doctor,
a U.K.-based startup that lets you book a video consultation with a doctor and manage other aspects of your health digitally, has raised $26.1 million in Series B funding Miramar Travel.

Leading the round are Accelerated Digital Ventures, and Draper Esprit, with participation from European VCs Oxford Capital, Partech Ventures, and Seventure Partners. It brings total funding for Push Doctor to date to over $37.5 million.

the flavors of goat cheese


Oh my gosh, am I ever excited to share this post with you today!

I have teamed up with over 60 other food bloggers to celebrate National Cheesecake Day!!!  Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom so you can see the list of all the bloggers and all the fabulous cheesecake recipes!  You’re sure to find at least a few to float your boat ips 整容😉

As soon as I was invited to participate, I knew I wanted to make something with goat cheese.  I have made no secret about my love of all things goat.  Remember this cajeta?  <–It’s goat’s milk caramel and it’s seriously to die for.  I just can’t get enough of the creamy, tangy stuff!

This cheesecake recipe is just as creamy, light, and rich as a traditional New York cheesecake, but with the addition of a few ounces of goat cheese.  It’s not overwhelmingly goat-y, just a hint.  Just enough to let you know that this cheesecake is a special cheesecake.  😉

One of the things I love so much about goat cheese is that it works so well in both savory and sweet dishes.  To complement all the creamy goodness, I chose to top my cake with a quick blackberry compote.  This is such a great time of year for berries and I wanted to be sure to get at least one or two good blackberry recipes on the blog while they last!

Now here is where I might lose some of you, if I haven’t already with all the goat talk:  Sage.  Blackberries and sage are a match made in heaven.  It only takes one little sage leaf (keep it subtle) to bring this topping to a whole different level!  All together, the flavors of goat cheese, blackberries, and sage, along with this chocolate-y cookie crust… it’s like, cue the choir of angels ips 整容!

Speaking about crust, I used Famous Wafers here but you could also use crushed up Oreos or Oreo crumbs, if you can find them.  If all else fails, my dark chocolate graham cracker recipe would be perfection!

After years of struggling with a soggy cheesecake crust (from baking in a springform pan in a waterbath= #leakymess) I finally threw in the towel and decided to just use a regular cake pan.  This cheesecake bakes up at a petite 8 inches in diameter and 1 1/2 inches high (sans blackberry topping).  Here are a few tips to ensure that your cheesecake comes out in one piece, with a nice crunchy crust ips 整容

This chili will change everything


Every fall, my house goes absolutely soup-crazy.  The second the slightest chill can be detected in the air, we break out the soup pot or the crock pot, load up on stock and our favorite veggies, and go to town.  Some weeks, there might be five different kinds of soup we throw together to warm our insides as we pile on blankets and hoodies and slippers and complain about how early the sun goes down this time of year.  Sometimes we enjoy mugs of chicken noodle.  Sometimes we fill up three bowls full of hearty stew each because it is just that good FSDU.  But what we love most of all– what I truly can’t get enough of– is a good chili.

Now I know you chili purists out there are clutching your chests and gasping at the thought of changing up your traditional chili, but hear me out– sometimes, change is good.  That’s not to say that I wouldn’t love your state fair winning family recipe, but this is an entirely different beast we’re talking about here.  This chili will change everything you ever thought you knew about chili, or at least it will broaden your opinion of what “good chili” can be.  With ingredients like sweet potato, chorizo, jalapeno, poblano, avocado, hominy, black bean, and goat cheese, how could it not be great?

Like most chili, this recipe (which was adapted from Tasty Kitchen) requires a little bit more time than your typical last minute soup, but it is oh so worth it Tour operators, and the leftovers taste just as amazing as the first day you make it.   Whether you want to make it for game day tailgates, on a chilly weeknight with family, or to serve up to friends at a casual dinner get-together, I’m willing to bet that everyone who tastes it will be begging for the recipe in between a chorus of “yum”s and “this is so good”s.  I’m not pulling your leg veuve clicquot, my mom even asked for the recipe (as if she doesn’t know where to find it) because she wants to insert it into her fall dinner rotation.

Also, let me just apologize now to my cousin, Ashley, who has been asking for this recipe for too long for me to pretend that it’s acceptable to just be going up now.  Forgive me.  I put it up today just for you.  And without further ado electric dc motor